Tips, Knowledge and Resources

Our top tips to pass your driving test  along with any useful info and resources to let you become the best driver you can be

Know the test!

Stage 1: Pre-Test

When should you arrive?

What should you bring?

What should your car have?


D's Advice

Get to test centre 10-15 minutes before your test

Ensure you park somewhere you won’t have trouble getting out of

Ensure you bring your learner permit (and it’s valid) as well as your letter of application

Ensure your car is roadworthy, displaying valid tax, insurance and if applicable, NCT disks

Have clear ‘L’ plates positioned correctly in both front and back of your vehicle

Have a question about any of the above? Just let us know and we will run through anything with you before your test 

Stage 2: Before the driving

What questions will the tester ask me?

What is involved in a vehicle check?

What secondary controls could I be asked?

D's Advice

The tester will ask you to go to a private room, produce your documents and sign your name.

You will then be asked some questions regarding the rules of the road. 

Naming specific road signs will follow. Don’t know them? Have a look below.

Vehicle check : for all checks you should know where they are as well as how to measure them.

Checks include engine oil, coolant brake fluid and windscreen wiper water.

Secondary controls include demonstrating the use of sidelights, dipped lights, fog lights and headlights as well as how to adjust these.

Explaining how to demist both front and back windscreens is also commonly asked.

Both front and back windscreen controls can also be asked which includes adjusting speed and controlling wiper water.

Know where your hazard lights are!

Have a question about any of the above? Just let us know and we will run through anything with you before your test 

Stage 3 : The drive

How long does the test last?

How much will the tester talk during the test?

What do I do if I make a mistake?

D's Advice

The driving will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The tester should only speak to give instructions on where to go or a manoeuvre to perform.

If you didn’t understand the tester just ask them to repeat themselves.

If you make a mistake just take a deep breath, relax and start again.

Have a question about any of the above? Just let us know and we will run through anything with you before your test

D's Formula to Succeed


Being over prepared for your driving test is impossible. At D's we will ensure every turn taken on your test has already been practiced leaving room for no surprises. We can't do your study for you so know all the signs below, learn the rules of the road and complete your lessons with us and you'll be fully prepared.


If you don't think you are going to past the test neither will the tester. At D's we will advise when we believe you are ready for your test. It's okay to be nervous but believe in yourself and your preparation, show the tester everything you've learned and your confidence will shine.

Know the road signs!

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